Thursday, September 9, 2004

Doc apt

Music: NPR
Book: Dark Horse - Tami Hoag

Does my journal read like a rejected script for ER? Sorry. I lost my other book so I'm half way into Tami Hoag's and it's great - I'm a first time reader for her and I can't believe I've missed out. But on the bright side, I love discovering new authors which enables me to back track and read all the earlier stuff. It's like getting a library in one hit. I'm off to the doctor's again this evening. This morning was okay, but once again, that was because of the vicodin - now I'm in hell. Honestly, I've had surgerys that were less painful. Could be the weather. Oh and I have a tentative Minneapolis show date for october 7th at Ginkgo on Snelling in St. Paul. Keep a watch on the concert page for details.