Tuesday, September 28, 2004

CD Baby!

Music: none
Book: Blackwood Farm

I sold out of CDs at CD Baby again. That made me smile. Gilmore Girls is tonight so after TV from 7-8pm, I need to change the strings on my Taylor. I was pretty rough on my guitar over the weekend and the strings are almost worn bare. That's a good feeling though. It's odd, but since recording Mulligan in January, I've written enough music for an entire new album. I still have the idea of a live cd in the back of my mind, but no real opportunity to record one. We'll see. I keep saying I'm going to skip a year to just play and tour but I keep cranking out songs that I feel should be on a CD. Hope the well of music doesn't dry up * giggle*

Monday, September 27, 2004

Hold on, hold on to yourself, for this is gonna hurt like hell

Music: Sarah McLachlan
Book: Blackwood Farm

Des Moines was great. Again. We headed off to St. Cloud early enough but mixed up the times on the website vs posters and ended up starting an hour late. So I'm apologizing to those of you who showed up and left before I got there. For those who stayed - thanks. Chadly and I had a good time playing. Drinks followed with a friend from college and I crawled into bed around 3am. I just need some yoga or...something. Music was my salvation this weekend and I guess I needed it for the rotten week ahead. Monday sucks so far...I'd like a latte or possibly a bottle of cabernet to make it all go away. * sigh *

Saturday, September 25, 2004

If you judge me tonight judge me by the songs I write

Music: Led Zepplin
Book: Hoag: "Ashes to Ashes", "Mysteries of the Unknown" & "Blackwood Farm"

Since I'm on the road and currently posting from Iowa, Dan Burn's song "Black Tornado" keeps running through my head about driving through fields in West Des Moines. Sioux Falls was a complete trip last night. Friends of Kyle Vincent filled the Black Sheep Coffee House and treated me to a lovely welcome. Many CDs were sold and I left feeling wonderfully fulfilled. I hope to return this December. My hotel room neighbors were a bit...uhm...amorous? last night. Made for interesting TV. I was trying to watch "Friends" to the soundtrack of a very loud porno film. *smile* I just love my life. Laptop in hand, I'm camped out at Java Joes drinking dangerously addictive coffee and catching up on emails and business before my show this evening at 9:30pm. Last time I played here we had a crowd of about 300. Since the bar was packed to capacity in April, I'm pretty sure we'll have a bit more of an intimate gathering this time around, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed it'll be just as fun for all parties. I head back to the Twin Cities tomorrow to check in with my puppy and then get right back in the car for St. Cloud. I haven't played there since my show with Rachel Gaudry 2 years ago. I'm looking forward to it, especially because Chadly's tagging along to bang the drums and make glorious music. Mr. manager will be knee deep in Big & Rich/Tim McGraw at the Xcel Center. I'm a little jealous. Plus, I missed Melissa Ethridge last night in the Twin Cities, but supposedly I have a back stage pass/trinket waiting for me at home as a small consolation.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


Music: Pink - Try This
Book: A Thin Dark Line

Gilmore Girls premiere is tonight and I intend to sit on my tushy and watch it. I just love that damn show! I have errands to run around town but clubs and theatres don't open until 6pm. Guess it'll have to wait until after WB TV. If I don't start exercising soon I might go crazy, but I don't have a lot of breathing room on this one so I'm shooting for a quicker recovery. Living quarters are stressing me out, but hopefully it will fuel the musical muse. By for now.

Friday, September 17, 2004


Music: None
Book: Thin Dark Line

I received a gambling game for my laptop and I haven't stopped playing all day. I keep switching between blackjack and roulette. Maybe it's so fun because there is no real money involved, but I have to say I'm typing with my hands, but my eyes are watching the screen and listening for the drop of the ball. Is it possible to have a problem even if you don't lose or win any money? Maybe I should go back to reading my book...

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Forgot to post

Music: NPR
Book: A Thin Dark Line - Tami Hoag

Honestly, I tried reading "The Good Book" and haven't given up on it completely, but I'm pacing myself so I don't throw it out the window of a moving car. Instead, I'm absorbed with Tami Hoag's book. I've only begun but it's as promising as the first. I haven't done a single music related thing today and I feel a bit guilty about it. Nice day though...that could be part of the problem.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Cast me gently

Music: Sarah McLachlan
Book: Good Book

The "Good Book" is not so good. Interesting at times, but a SLOW read. I'll sift my way through it. It took me a year to purchase Sarah M's 2003 CD, "Afterglow" but I am loving it.

I'm half way done with christmas shopping (people hate me for saying it, but it makes me happy) but have yet to wrap a single thing. Today is another perfectly gloomy day in the Twin Cities which is IDEAL for songwriting. I wanted to make note of two spectacular house concerts happening in Minneapolis this fall sponsored by Collected Sounds:

Rachel Sage - 10/23
Anne Heaton - 11/19

go to www.collectedsounds.com for more info but I highly recommend reserving a space now. The house is magnificent and the music, if possible, is even better. Unfortunately, I'm going to miss both shows as I have gigs several states away, but felt the need to notify all the music lovers who check into my journal. Mark your calendars ASAP! Bye for now.

Monday, September 13, 2004

You've got to admit it's getting better. getting better all the time

Music: Sarah McLachlan - Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
Book: The Good Book - Peter J. Gomes

Busy weekend...I've become a demon on crutches. The wind this morning was so fierce that the mantra "something wicked this way comes" kept playing in the back of my mind. Last night before bed I re-read "Hearing Voices" by Brian Andreas...he's the Story People guy. His sense of humor always makes me smile.

Dropping Like Flies - B. Andreas

I like people until
they give me reason
not too, she said.

Some days they
just drop like flies,
though, she added.

Sunday, September 12, 2004


Music: Sarah McLachlan
Book: Looking for one...

Went to Divas 2004 charity event last night - odd evening. Football game today on cruthes - should be interesting. Wrote quite a bit last night on the guitar. I would prefer a nap.

Saturday, September 11, 2004


Music: no clue who the artist is but the music is good
Book: Just finished Dark Horse by Tami Hoag

I'm currently stranded, alone, at my house with no people and even my car is gone - long story. I finished my book, I can't exercise & there isn't even a bagel in the house to get me to lunch. Is my grumpiness showing? Poeple and politics are pissing me off - only because I feel it's being shoved down my throat. Can I ask when the last time a stranger yelling at you on the street about Bush or Kerry changed your opinion of the next election? I can't...I read books and watch the news, I listen to NPR. I like to get things from the source and validate the information instead of relying on hearsay. My grandmother had a friend in Cleveland Ohio who used to host lavish dinner parties and the only rule she laid down was no politics and no religion. I just wish it were true today and that people could respect a person's right to their own opinion.

Thursday, September 9, 2004

Doc apt

Music: NPR
Book: Dark Horse - Tami Hoag

Does my journal read like a rejected script for ER? Sorry. I lost my other book so I'm half way into Tami Hoag's and it's great - I'm a first time reader for her and I can't believe I've missed out. But on the bright side, I love discovering new authors which enables me to back track and read all the earlier stuff. It's like getting a library in one hit. I'm off to the doctor's again this evening. This morning was okay, but once again, that was because of the vicodin - now I'm in hell. Honestly, I've had surgerys that were less painful. Could be the weather. Oh and I have a tentative Minneapolis show date for october 7th at Ginkgo on Snelling in St. Paul. Keep a watch on the concert page for details.

Wednesday, September 8, 2004


Music: NPR
Book: left my book at home today

Feeling wretched...my ankle/foot is swollen to twice its size - not to mention having turned a lovely shade of violet and sage. It hurts just thinking about it. USA beat Russia last night in the World Cup and it was fabulous to watch. I confirmed some more shows for October in high hopes that the break heals quickly. September is still up in the air. I didn't realize so many of you checked into my online ramblings but your kind words of sympathy and hopes for a quick recovery are very much appreciated. Thank you! Now...I do believe it's pain pill time.

Monday, September 6, 2004

Sarah McLachlan

Music: Sarah McLachlan
Book: Eye of the Needle

Sarah M was a great concert on Saturday night. I arrived back home however and went outside with my dog, fell and broke my right ankle. Now I'm maxed out on vicadin and feeling wretched. The cast goes from toe to knee and I have to have more xrays next week. Touring until October is up in the air but I might beg my sister to drive me around the midwest. Just keeping ya'all posted.

Thursday, September 2, 2004

Books, books & music

Music: NPR
Book: Devil in the White City - Erik Larson

I forgot to mention that I finished "The Automatic Millionaire" by David Bach and found it wonderful. I felt good reading it because my parents had already drilled into my brain about certain savings and retirement planning. It was a pat on the back so to speak. However, much of it was new information that I recently put into works. Stocks, bonds, money market, mortgage, charities - you name it, he talks about it (but without talking down to the reader)

I'm almost finished with Larson's book about the World's Fair in 1893 - scary! Great read. A friend and I are going to see Sarah McClahlan (sp?) at Xcel on Saturday night (I'm expecting better than Chicks with Attitude from last week) The state fair still beckon so it will be squeezed in at some point in time this weekend.