Wednesday, January 28, 2004


Record cold this morning. I'm perfectly comfy right now however. Odd, how that changes on and off throughout the day. My poor dog looked at me like I was a cruel, prison guard this morning when I made her go outside to potty - that must suck. She has my sympathies....but I think I caught my kitty laughing at us...can't be sure though.

Last night's reading of "Juan Gelion Dances for the Sun" by Dominic Orlando turned out to be a success. There were some page sticks while playing guitar but we all muddled through with minimum fuss and trauma. I feel relieved and a little let down that it's over. Like a virgin maybe? Just a thought. Once the play is finalized and in print I will move heaven and earth to see the production. If you live in the Twin Cities I suggest you also check out Tracey Malone in a play or reading sometime soon. She was an amazingly gifted actress we were lucky enough to work with for the show last night. I promise she will entertain those able to see her perform.

Just another side note but...

You people who click on the web-karma for my journal are kind of bumming me out. I've noticed that when I post about having a bad day or a frustrating encounter with music, or just life in general, many of you click on negative karma. Most of you probably haven't even noticed that tab at the bottom of the page but I check it every once in a while and lately I'm getting pissed. (Oh no, maybe I shouldn't say anything bad though because you'll just negative karma me!) If I'm having a bad day why would you send me more bad luck? That's just mean and more than a little insulting. Just my 2 cents but I figured it bugged me enough to mention. So, today I removed the karma vote for the few jerks among you. Why do you bother to read my journal anyway if you don't like what I'm saying or maybe how I'm saying it? Too much time on your hands?

Good karma is always a good choice. I'm sending all you negative little people a bunch of 'wish-you-well-karma' right now.I think I'll do yoga too. *sigh*

'Nuf said I guess.