Friday, January 30, 2004


Sleepy. Must listen to rehearsal CDs again. Actually kind of enjoyable. I'm craving a Matt's cheeseburger and Soba's pasta marsalla - at the same time. Guess I'm just hungry...and tired. Hmmmm....

Wednesday, January 28, 2004


Record cold this morning. I'm perfectly comfy right now however. Odd, how that changes on and off throughout the day. My poor dog looked at me like I was a cruel, prison guard this morning when I made her go outside to potty - that must suck. She has my sympathies....but I think I caught my kitty laughing at us...can't be sure though.

Last night's reading of "Juan Gelion Dances for the Sun" by Dominic Orlando turned out to be a success. There were some page sticks while playing guitar but we all muddled through with minimum fuss and trauma. I feel relieved and a little let down that it's over. Like a virgin maybe? Just a thought. Once the play is finalized and in print I will move heaven and earth to see the production. If you live in the Twin Cities I suggest you also check out Tracey Malone in a play or reading sometime soon. She was an amazingly gifted actress we were lucky enough to work with for the show last night. I promise she will entertain those able to see her perform.

Just another side note but...

You people who click on the web-karma for my journal are kind of bumming me out. I've noticed that when I post about having a bad day or a frustrating encounter with music, or just life in general, many of you click on negative karma. Most of you probably haven't even noticed that tab at the bottom of the page but I check it every once in a while and lately I'm getting pissed. (Oh no, maybe I shouldn't say anything bad though because you'll just negative karma me!) If I'm having a bad day why would you send me more bad luck? That's just mean and more than a little insulting. Just my 2 cents but I figured it bugged me enough to mention. So, today I removed the karma vote for the few jerks among you. Why do you bother to read my journal anyway if you don't like what I'm saying or maybe how I'm saying it? Too much time on your hands?

Good karma is always a good choice. I'm sending all you negative little people a bunch of 'wish-you-well-karma' right now.I think I'll do yoga too. *sigh*

'Nuf said I guess.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Dee Henderson

Her books are great entertainment. Good for the mind and for the spirit actually. How rare huh? The performance of "Juan Gelion Dances for the Sun" is tonight at the Playright Center - show time is 8:30pm if you're interested. And then I have a party to attend. Woo Hoo.

Snow is everywhere and this morning was the first time I woke up cold this winter. Strange. It's definitely been colder, so maybe I just lost some covers. I have a photo shoot on Thursday so the only thing I want to eat right now is chocolate and french fries. That would be lovely wouldn't it? I'm holding onto my self control by a string. Happy hour on Thursday can't come soon enough...

Friday, January 23, 2004

lalalal lalala

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....people aren't bothering me as much as yesterday. Good sign.

Thursday, January 22, 2004


I don't like people very much today. In fact, they annoy me. Tomorrow will be better I'm sure.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

So tired

Dad in town this evening. Meetings with photographers today and tomorrow. Some home recording to do, CDs to burn. Rehearsals to reschedule. Dee Henderson is a really intense author. Interesting books. More errands to run...

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

New books....

I'm trying out a new author: Dee Henderson. She comes highly recommended, but I have no idea what the books are about. Hopefully, I'll have time to crack the cover...

Monday, January 19, 2004


Rehearsing, rehearsing and more rehearsing: for the play for the band for the Cd - you name it...I'm rehearsing for it. Not exactly a smooth run but that's just because everything is happening at once. I watched "Underworld" last night - I just love gothic movies. Not for everyone though. A friend of mine lost her puppy this weekend. So sad...hopefully Sweetie Pie and I can offer some comfort later on. Only a dog can make it okay. I've had a ton of caffeine today so the world looks kind of jerky and disjointed...I'm switching to water as I write. Photo shoot next week so I think I need a haircut and a day with my wardrobe. Much to do - toodles...

Thursday, January 15, 2004


So, currently I'm figuring out the layout for the next CD. I was hoping to use artwork to avoid a photo shoot, but no such luck. However, we have a great idea that I can't wait to bring to life. Guess it won't be so bad afterall. In preparation, I bought a book of Gil Elvgren's artwork for inspiration. I've already paged through it 3 or 4 times and I notice more with each turn.

I'm currently without a book, so a friend of mine is rushing something over to me as quickly as possible. I always need a book for those in between times of the day. Oh, and I'm officially babied out with all the baby shower planning stuff for my sister. Lots of work....and it's weird work at that. what I'd really like is a massage. *sigh*

Wednesday, January 14, 2004


Spent the morning doing research...which was surprisingly interesting. It snowed in Minneapolis last night so everything is looking clean and inviting outside. I'm looking forward to more rehearsals after harmonizing myself silly over the past few days for recording. Tomorrow night I'm catching Ben Weaver at the Turf Club...late show, but it should be fun.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Lisa Gardner

I'm reading "The Other Daughter" by Lisa Gardner and it's thoroughly addictive. She's got me hooked. Thankfully Gardner's written a few other books to I don't have to go into withdrawl after I'm done. as a rule, I fall in love with first time authors: Kelly Armstrong, James Reese, Heather Lowell...and then I finish their brilliant books and I'm left hanging. *sigh*

Much to do...gotta go.

Saturday, January 10, 2004


Yes, you heard right. I shopped. I'm off to finally play the guitar tonight. Getting ready for a rehearsal tomorrow. Still unbelievably excited about recording. Brunch reservations tomorrow morning. Lazy, LAZY weekend. Maybe I'll even take in a concert later on tomorrow night. Hmmm...

Friday, January 9, 2004

Chaos & pleasantries

People seem to be behaving stupidly these past few days. something in the air I believe...bummer, but we're all surviving. I'm neck deep in helping out with my sister's baby shower at the moment. Odd task, let me tell you. I chatted with my grandmother for a few hours last night and actually fell asleep at 8 o'clock. Now rested, I'm ready for some songwriting and marketing today. Mr. Manager and I are celebrating an anniversary this weekend so we're stuffing ourselves silly at the Nicollet Island Inn. Can't wait.

Oh and I just booked another show in spring at Eclectic Etceteras in Edinboro, PA. I played there over the summer and absolutely loved it. Small town, beautiful coffee/music cafe and the sweetest people I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with. I'm really excited to return. If you're in the area...please mark it down on your calendar.

Thursday, January 8, 2004


Rehearsals for CD#4 are going remarkably well. I feel inspired and happy about playing. The lovely and talented Hattie has agreed to open for my CD release at the 7th Street Entry this spring. Details to follow soon.

I'm busy...and very very sleepy.

Wednesday, January 7, 2004

First Ave

I just love Pastor Paul's Acoustic Garage Sale: vendors, music, friends and charity. What a combination, huh? The cold got in the way of a big, huge crowd, but there were still an admirable number of patrons downtown at the club last night. Playing a benefit gives me a warm fuzzy feeling - especially when it's local. The world might be in perpetual chaos but knowing that my time and talents are appreciated and can help out a good cause 6 BLOCKS FROM MY HOUSE makes all the difference. Baby steps. Baby steps...

The wonderful surprise of the evening was Alicia Corbit (not sure if I spelled that right) A petite woman went on stage around 10:30/11:00pm-ish and I was hooked on her voice. Alarm bells of recognition were sounding in my head during her set but I couldn't place the name or the voice. Finally someone was kind enough to point out that she used to be in a band called Tea and Sympathy. Aha! I have quite a few of their selected songs on city samplers and compilation CDs, but not a single Tea and Sympathy album. Amazing. I enjoyed the band, but Alicia solo acoustic was quite catchy. Imagine Kate Bush as a smoker and you've got this husky, intimate, soulful songstress. Beautiful.

Finally the head cold took over and Mr. Manager and I headed home. But what a night to remember. I'm already looking foward to next year.

Band rehearsal later on today. Can't wait.

Tuesday, January 6, 2004

Pastor Paul's at First Ave

I hit the stage at 9:40pm according to the schedule...9:30pm seems like a safe bet if you're pressed for time. Hopefully I'll see you all tonight. Good cause, great music and tons of fun.

Monday, January 5, 2004


Getting better... I see the light at the end of my sick tunnel. My voice has this horrendous nasal quality to it that needs to be gone by tomorrow night when I play at First Avenue for Pastor Paul's Acoustic night. I stopped by the dog show yesterday and went nuts buying toys, treats and misc . I fell in love with Papillons and Great Danes all over again! almost finished with my book about the Templars - what a chilling read.

Friday, January 2, 2004

Coughing, sniffling, sneezing...

Yucky, rotten, blasted cold! Not a coherent thought in my head as a result of all the snot occupying that space. B&B didn't cut it, my bubble baths are useless and I've become a huge pot of herbal tea. I guess I just have to wait out the illness. Ugh. I can't even read, my eyes hurt so much. Maybe I'll run to the video store and grab old Cary Grant flicks...that should pass the time nicely. Bye bye. I have to blow my nose now.

Oh and New Year's Eve was spectacular at Amy and Greg's. You don't know them, but I was lucky enough to score an invite and I even had someone to kiss this year : )