Sunday, November 30, 2003

Played for hours

I played the guitar for hours and hours today and then I went shopping. I talked to the brilliant photo genius Faith Brown a little while ago and we're trying to find a good time for her to come to the Twin Cities for pictures. Scheduling sucks. I finished two books over the weekend and walked the dog at least 30 times. Who knew I was ever going to be this domestic? I plan to do yoga tonight and then try on every piece of clothing I bought without checking first in a dressing room. Smart I know. I'm going to post some pictures of my little pets once I figure out how to do that. Could be a while...don't hold your breath. I started the Stephen King 'Gunslinger' series this week too. Weird, but really good. I'm getting into it, but I'm so freaked out. He does that to me...kinda like clowns. King's fault again.

Friday, November 28, 2003


New guitar strings always make for a beautiful night of playing music. And and even better night for making music. As a result, I'm desperate to record as soon as possible. Hearing myself reminisce through song about my life is all well and good but putting something solid down in hard copy is quite an accomplishment. Studios, CD's, recording - music suddenly becomes authentic. It makes my music real in a way live music never can. Vice versa too, recording will never give me the same satisfaction as playing live. Go figure. I have a piano player, a bass player and of course, my own voice and guitar. But I can't decide what else to do...get a drummer? Hire a percussionist? Or take my chances doing another acoustic. I feel the urge to grow though - so my search for a beat begins.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Turkey Day and shows and stuff

Last night I played BOOM for a benefit. Fabulous crowd and wonderful people. The evening started out on a rotten note because while we were loading in some people stole a bunch of my CD's. Unbelievable. My only thought was that bad karma would probably kick them in the ass every time they listened to my stolen CD's. I was still happy to do the show and felt great about the night. Tina was up after me but we couldn't stay to listen because Mr. Manager and I were headed off to First Avenue to see Ike Reilly! He's funny and strange and talented, plus he played the favorite songs first. That rarely happens. I didn't stay as long as anticipated though because, even with ear plugs, the music was loud enough to wake the dead. My body is still beating to the rhythm of the bass 16 hours later.

I just returned from Thanksgiving brunch celebrated with friends at the local tavern. Good times, good times. Also, I just received word that my college buddy Ann (aka McCondom) got engaged at the top of the Empire State Building. Wild. So, an eventful couple of days and this week proves to be busy and enjoyable. Kyle Vincent and I kick off the mini-tour in Chicago on Friday night at UnCommon Ground playing with Anne E Dechant. This is gauranteed to be a beautiful start to the holiday season. I'm forgoing a trip to Madison to meet up with a gifted photographer to take care of things on the home front this weekend, but I promise that my next CD will showcase stunning photos by the lovely and talented Faith Brown of Phoenix, Arizona.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2003


St. Louis was wonderful, flying there and back in snow storms was not. I finished 2 Kay Hooper books over the weekend, which I enjoyed thoroughly. Luckily a friend brought some Stephen king novels for me to soak up as I was mysterously out of reading materials. (that never happens!)

I'll be playing Boom this Wednesday night, the day before Thanksgiving - should be fun! Stop's not like you have to go to work the next day...

Friday, November 21, 2003

And STILL sick

Sniffles. I'm off to St. Louis. Hopefully I'll make it back before the supposed Minneapolis snow storm.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Still sick...

I slept 14 hours last night, but my head is still close to exploding. I miss reading...At least my sweet puppy enjoys having a nap partner.

Monday, November 17, 2003


I seem to have developed a cold. If I have one more depressing post, I myself might stop checking into Ugh. Saturday's show at First Ave started out on a horrible note, but once M. Doughty hit the stage, the evening was saved. Mike with a band was good, but not as good as solo. He's terribly amusing though and he made me smile...

Sunday was spent in my new, enormous reading chair with 4 teas, 3 water bottles and I got up twice to make soup. Yuk. I leave for St. Louis this weekend so keep your fingers crossed that I feel better. Thanks.

Saturday, November 15, 2003


The world is a strange place. One of my favorite people in the whole wide world is having the most bizarre and heart wrenching life trauma. If you have prayers to say...say them for Lisa. Please.

Thursday, November 13, 2003


My junior year at Northwestern, on a rainy afternoon, I walked to an independent movie theatre and bought one ticket (of only six total sold in the near empty room) to see a movie called "Kama Sutra". I was mesmorized from start to finish and on my way out the door had to fight the impulse to buy another ticket to see the next showing. Visually stunning and achingly amazing...the last line of that movie has never left my mind.

"My heart is as open as the sky..."

I guess Twyla Tharp's quote is painfully accurate:

"Art is the only way to run away without every leaving home."

Wednesday, November 12, 2003


I witnessed a frightening four-car accident this morning right after passing some sort of police bust at a nursing home of all places. Very strange day. Perhaps I should have stayed in bed...?

I'm going to crack the cover of Anne Rice's new book "Blood Canticle" in about 5 minutes...after I finish my hot cocoa and have an apple of course. It's my friend's birthday today, but I think we celebrated with enough last night to bleed into today.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003


It's funny how connected we are. I posted on Saturday and received a wealth of concern from all over the world. I love that and thank you to everyone who sent emails or called. Thanks to those of you who read religiously and care enough to stay in touch. Nothing is ever perfect but hopefully we make the right choices at the right time. That's all I'm trying to do. Music is my consolation, as always, and emotion breeds creativity, at least in my case. So many thoughts and songs just waiting to be expressed.

Saturday, November 8, 2003


My heart hurts today.

Friday, November 7, 2003


Seattle is's still fall wacky. A little emotional turmoil in my life right now but I'm hoping things work out for the better. I constantly struggle with the choices involved with keeping quiet vs speaking up. Is it whining and hurtful to speak up or stupid and harmful to keep your mouth shut? Know what I mean? Probably not, I'm not making much sense. Looking forward to the show this evening at the Lock N Keel..stop down if you're in the area. Much love and kind thoughts....

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

I keep forgetting to post

Oops. Mr. Manager and I were invited to the Packer/Viking football game on Sunday night which was actually a lot of fun (even with the intoxicated Gopher fan who snuck into the suite and insisted he had a ticket) Ugh. It's been snowing on and off since yesterday morning which is a barrel of fun. It's lovely out too. I've read about 10 books in the last 2 weeks but I forget to mention them. The staged reading of 'Juan Gelion' was a huge success last week. I'm looking forward to the full version in January. I leave for Seattle's show at the Lock N Keel in just 2 days. Woo Hoo, can't wait. I was promised that it would rain.