Monday, April 25, 2005

Monday, Monday...

Music: Buddy Guy
Book: none! *gasp*

My weekend was spent on yard work & songwriting...but mostly yardwork. I hate dirt with a vengence. Chadly and I did try out a few random new songs with djimbe and guitar which seemed to work out rather nicely. Mr. Manager was busy with Maroon 5 and Slipknot over the weekend - back to back - so I left him in a coma back home. It's rainy, cold and fabulous in Minneapolis at the moment. We have errands to run, CDs to mail out and houses to look at this evening. I might go get a cup of coffee so that I'm at least coherent for today's events.

Friday, April 22, 2005


Music: Buddy Guy
Book: none

Did I mention that a friend of mine had a baby girl over the weekend? Very exciting for all involved...not me of course, but I'm very happy for her. I'll be sticking to the midwest over the next few months as far as touring goes with a few more gigs in the Twin Cities area. I'm missing coffee shops and lilstening audiences so I figured I could step back and play some low key shows with a bunch of new material. Good times. Plus, I won't have to leave my doggie and Miss Kitty...not to mention Mr. Fiance. Must run...

Friday, April 15, 2005


Music: none
Book: The Bookseller of Kabul - Seierstad

Sunny day...which means that I'm grumpy. Had snacks and wine at the Newsroom last night. Tasty food and a weird atmosphere. I would like a vacation now.

Reminder: show tomorrow night at the Dinkytowner in (duh) Dinkytown.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Good Movie

Music: NPR
Book: America (the book) - Daily Show

Funny book. Irreverant but very funny. Mr. Fiance rented "Spanglish" last night and I thought it was fabulous. I'm almost finished with Willett's book - roughly two more short stories left. I'll be sad when it's over. My mother comes into town this weekend for some shopping and a relaxing spa day at Spalon Montage. Good times. I have a little show this weekend at the Dinkytowner in Minneapolis. Misplaced Music (we met up at a music conference in Indianapolis over the summer) invited me to open the evening's show with a brief acoustic set followed by a little interview. Fun. Short and sweet - I love those shows. Stop down if you're able.

Saturday, April 9, 2005

Green Bay

Music: none
Book: Jenny & The Jaws of Life

Surviving in Green Bay. Lovely weather. Pets are enjoying the parents big house. Back to Minneapolis tomorrow. More later.

Tuesday, April 5, 2005


Music: Damien Rice
Book: Jenny & the Jaws of Life

Finished "No Escape" by follow up book to her page turner: "When the Storm Breaks". After seeing "Closer" (excellent movie by the way) I've had Rice's song "Blower's Daughter" in my head which forced me to locate the lost CD and play the damn song over and over again. I thought it was nice before but I have this movie reel playing in my mind along with the music now and it's made it somehow addictive. I'm having some work done on the house this week. I'm rather useless with anything other than a paintbrush ( and a guitar of course) so I'm loving the assistance. I'm not moving into the vein of political songwriting by any means but I am taking an opportunity to write about my perceptions of being. A lot of things strike me as odd lately so I'm just getting it off my chest. Should be interesting once Chadly gets ahold of the songs *smile*. My mac'n'cheese lunch is awful, but I don't feel like braving the outdoors...I'll suck it up and go work out instead.

Sunday, April 3, 2005


Music: damien rice
Book: no escape - heather lowell

Sunshine and calm weather makes me feel guilty for not doing yard work. I'd rather finish reading my book, have some green tea and maybe work out later on. Mr. Fiance dragged me to "Sin City" on Friday night which I found repulsive as far as the story goes but the camera and color work was brilliant. I recommend waiting for the video and then watching the entire movie in fast forward with the mute button firmly depressed. Bride broohaha yesterday so today I think I'll take it easy and write some music instead.

Friday, April 1, 2005


Music: 89.3FM The Current
Book: Jenny & the Jaws of Life by Jincy Willett

If Willett's book jacket is to be believed...I'm reading something orginally published in 1987 - recently reprinted & back by popular demand. From the success of her latest book, "Winner of the National Book Award" - I guess I could buy into that. "Jenny" is a collection of desturbingly morbid and amusing tales. So far, I'm loving it. Though I almost wish that each story was a full novel instead of these 30 page snippets of fascinating people. Hopefully Jincy will keep writing for many years to come.

It's snowing...on April odd. I'm trying to plan out some recording for June, but it's not looking so promising. Maybe in the fall...? Well, I have chores and songwriting planned for the weekend but no shows. Nice change of pace. Happy Friday.