Tuesday, December 5, 2006


Music: damien rice
Book: wedding in december

Sitting at home in front of the tree sipping a cocktail mourning the loss of a friend whom I shared my first jack daniels with. Sad day.

Saturday, December 2, 2006


Music: 2000 Decembers Ago - Joy Williams
Book: Outlander - Diana Gabaldon

Chilly but pretty outside. I had a nice quiet show at the Mall Of America last night. I thought Christmas shopping began quick and fierce every December increasing with intensity up till the 25th, but there were only about 100 people in the entire mall last night. Odd. But a couple of my cds are now enroute to new states such as Utah, New Mexico and Idaho so I consider my performances a success! I might need a nap before heading out to see a movie this evening, but I'm looking forward to putting up my tree and listening to xmas tunes over the weekend.