Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Music: mike doughty
Book: vatican secrets

Went on a beer run for the bare naked ladies on Sunday. Weird. But I did get to see the show in exchange for tracking down a case of heineken and a 12 year old bottle of scotch. Good times. Bob Seger show is Tuesday. Believe it or not...I'm a huge fan. Great tunes. Happy Turkey Day. Christmas shows at the mall of america begin on Saturday, December 2nd at 11am. See you there!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Snow glorious snow

Music: Tori Amos
Book: Incubus Dreams - Laurel K Hamilton

Where have I been? Where have I been...? Takes too long to explain so I'll just start out writing in my journal again. It is snowing outside at the moment and I'm drinking some herbal red tea with vanilla scents just staring out the window. Truly a wonderful way to spend the morning. Nothing tragic or dangerous per say, but enough white to cause excitment. I was just pondering the fact that the last time it snowed in Minneaoplis was in March....on the day Mr. Fiance proposed. Cute huh? This Saturday I will be playing a show in Winona, Minnesota sans Chadly on percussion who has another obligation. It's been a while since I've played all by my lonesome but I'd better get used to it and start practicing so I can prepare for my solo holiday shows at the Mall of America. I'm about to search online for some new xmas songs to master on guitar. Earlier in the week I finished "Breath of Snow and Ashes" by Diana Gabaldon and I cannot stress enough how intoxicating it was. When I reached page 900 (of 1200 and something) I forced myself to put the book down and clean my bathroom. I wanted to savor the story a bit longer and prevent the escapade from finishing. Now I plan on reading every single book all over again from book one all the way to the one I finished - book six.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Early Xmas

Music: damien rice
Book: fancy pants

My christmas tree is up already because I'll be on a cruise during the holidays. Mixing of the live show from the mabel tainter continues to progress. Holiday shows at the mall of america the first and second weekends in December. Should be a good time. Right now I'm enjoying a big glass of white wine in front of a roaring gas fire with my sweet doggie curled up on the end of the sofa. How very thomas kincaid. Sad but true....