Monday, March 31, 2003

web issues

I tried posting a little message over the weekend but it wasn't working so these are Friday night's thoughts...just a bit late. Playing at the Riverview was wonderful. Jaymie and I had an attentive audience and so many people stuck around from start to finish that one can't help but feel connected with the listeners. It was a memorable evening. Afterward, Jaymie's boyfriend Rubin was DJ-ing at the Lounge downtown so we headed out for some drinks and music around 11pm and stayed until the lights went up and they kicked us out.

In pet news: Miss Kitty pinned down my puppy on Saturday and groomed her from top to bottom. Poor Sweeite Pie was stuck getting her ears cleaned by a very large cat...she just kept looking at me for confirmation "Is this okay? Are you going to help me? Okay, I guess I'll just sit here and take it." *sigh* They bring me hours of amusement...

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Riverview Cafe

So Jaymie and I play tomorrow night from 8-10pm at the Riverview Cafe and I expect all of you to be there. It's a truly lovely venue and the staff is as friendly as they come. Please join us for a fun night of music...

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

"Ike Rielly

I forgot to mention the Ike Rielly show at First Avenue on Friday night. Ike performed last year with Bellwhether (did I spell that right?). Anyway, I'm a big fan of his new CD, "Cars and Girls and Drinks and Songs" so Mr. Manager and I went to see the concert. Fun, fun fun. Nobody does "rockstar" better!

Monday, March 24, 2003

Peter O'Toole

Like the rest of the world I watched the Academy Awards last night. The most touching part of the evening had to be Peter O'Toole's lovely acceptance speech. Such elequence is a gift and I found his graciousness very endearing.

In other news I'm getting ready to hit the road again and my little pup is coming with me. Should be an interesting trip...

Thursday, March 20, 2003


I played the piano for about 2 hours last night...finally a bathroom break was necessary and then I couldn't bring myself to ignore the pets any longer. We played outside in the rain and around 7pm I decided to flyer around the Twin Cities to promote my show with Jaymie Gerard at the Riverview Cafe on 3/28/03. I stopped by Cheapo Records in Uptown and noticed Ani's new CD, "Evolve" but didn't have time to take a listen. Looks like I'll have to pick it up this weekend...

I find it strange that I'm going to have to remind myself to play the guitar for a few weeks...strange and sweet. Once the novelty of having a piano wears off, I'll be better at juggling my practice times.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003


I just wanted to send a thank you out to everyone who has been kind enough to send their daily thoughts and creative encouragments my way. I truly appreciate the continued interest in my music and my life; I look forward to the comments online , especially the personal messages that keep me in touch.

P.S. I'm downright, gonna-wet-my-pants excited about the piano which arrives in less than 3 hours :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2003


My very own piano arrives tomorrow! I'm just giddy with excitement...

Monday, March 17, 2003


Dad came up for a visit this weekend so there wasn't much sleeping in but we did have a fun time. I wrote 2 songs last night that I'm itching to record so I'm setting a studio date today. I love having a plan. Melissa Ferrick is coming back in town for a show and it looks like Stuart Davis is opeing...that should be really interesting. I have a show coming up at the Riverview Cafe on Friday March 28th so don't forget to drop by for a listen. The sweet and talented Jaymie Gerard will be joining me...

Friday, March 14, 2003


It's warm and glorious outside so I spent some time playing with my doggie in the slush...we're both a little wet now. I finished reading a slew of Nora Roberts books and I have to admit I enjoyed myself completely. Who knew romance was so thoroughly entertaining?

My father, Mr. Fix-it, is coming to Minneapolis today to play Tim Allen. I was told to warm up my credit card, so I guess I'll be spending the weekend at Home Depot. *sigh* Oh and on a very fabulous note my cousin Keely turns 21 tomorrow :) She's really my 5th sister...

Hattie's CD is still blowing my mind with every spin. My advise: Pick it up today!!

Monday, March 10, 2003


I stopped by the Humane Society on Saturday and walked away with a little doggie. I'm such a sucker. Miss Kitty is PISSED off about the entire event, but I'm hoping we all survive the transition. CD number 4 is definitely going to happen this spring, I'll just work it in around the touring.

Just a reminder that I have a show with Jaymie Gerard at the Riverview Cafe on Friday, March 28th, 8pm sharp. Please come by and join us for a night of live music.

Thursday, March 6, 2003

New Book

Last weekend I went to the Humane Society's annual book sale and bought anything and everything that caught my eye. You know...just to help out the kitties. Well, I made some mistakes (one of the pretty books was about lesbian internet porn - not really my cup of tea) but on the whole I acquired some fascinating books. Currently I'm reading "A distrurbance in One Place" by Binnie Kirshenbaum. It's out of this world. Definitely on the raunchy side of literature but so shockingly refreshing that I can't help but enjoy it. She's also rather thought provoking. I'll probably be finished with it my noon.

Still listening to Leonard Cohen...

Monday, March 3, 2003

Leonard Cohen

I while back I was introduced to the world of Leonard Cohen, but only recently have I begun to truly appreciate the level of his genius. Brilliant songwriting is an insulting simplification. He's closer to godlike, so I'm having trouble describing his work. I've listened to his CD's with every waking breath for the past few days...and I see no signs of stopping.